Archive for 2014年1月





1. 抱怨你的咖啡没有做对,然后还要跟咖啡师说你“没时间等她们重新做”

2. 把你的咖啡放在吧台上,直到它变得不好喝

3. 点”bone-dry”卡布奇诺(几乎只有泡沫没有液体牛奶的卡布奇诺)

4. 点冰espresso放在大杯子里,然后自己跑到远处的柜台去加牛奶变成一杯拿铁

5. 点单的时候说要饮料“热一些”

6. 去一家不是星巴克的咖啡店然后点“焦糖玛奇朵”

7. 抱怨你的饮料太贵了(这条的吐槽实在是狠到家了)

Listen, you’re probably smart enough to understand that the barista at the register or behind the bar is probably not the one who decides on prices. That shit is out of their control. Moreover, a lot of baristas take their craft very seriously. Hell, they have competitions. This is a fucking art form. Don’t you dare tell an artist that their work is not worth the four bucks you’re paying for it. Especially when it’s made just for you and you get to consume it.

8. 好像自己比其他点普通咖啡的人优越

9. 在确认他的点单问题的时候很不耐烦

10. 在点单的时候讲电话


“The most merci…

“The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.” – H.P Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu

This passage pretty much sets up all modern horror. In a handful of words.


from quora.

 “Intelligence: What are the most productive ways to spend time on the Internet?”

Lenôtre – Tartelette au citron meringuée.html

Lenôtre – Tartelette au citron meringuée.html

This is the best lemon dessert and meringue I tried.

The Chinese Facial Emotion Recognition Database (CFERD): A computer-generated 3-D paradigm to measure the recognition of facial emotional expressions at different intensities

The Chinese Facial Emotion Recognition Database (CFERD): A computer-generated 3-D paradigm to measure the recognition of facial emotional expressions at different intensities.


The Chinese Facial Emotion Recognition Database (CFERD): A computer-generated 3-D paradigm to measure the recognition of facial emotional expressions at different intensities

Received 21 September 2011; received in revised form 7 February 2012; accepted 14 March 2012. published online 13 April 2012.


The Chinese Facial Emotion Recognition Database (CFERD), a computer-generated three-dimensional (3D) paradigm, was developed to measure the recognition of facial emotional expressions at different intensities. The stimuli consisted of 3D colour photographic images of six basic facial emotional expressions (happiness, sadness, disgust, fear, anger and surprise) and neutral faces of the Chinese. The purpose of the present study is to describe the development and validation of CFERD with nonclinical healthy participants (N=100; 50 men; age ranging between 18 and 50 years), and to generate normative data set. The results showed that the sensitivity index d′ [d′=Z(hit rate)–Z(false alarm rate), where function Z(p), p∈[0,1]], for all emotions was 0.94. The emotion was more readily detected in happiness, and less easily detected in surprise and sadness. In general, this study replicated the previous findings on the recognition accuracy of emotional expression with the Westerner faces. However, our paradigm extends the previous work by including a wider sensitivity range to differentiate subtle perception of emotion intensities. The CFERD will be a useful tool for emotion recognition assessment in affective neurosciences research, especially for the Chinese and cross-cultural studies.

Keywords: ChineseFacial emotion recognitionFacial emotional expressionsComputer-generatedDeveloping and standardisation,Intensity3D




今天和一位学脑子的同学讨论了一下脸部识别的问题。发现,facial identity recognition和emotion recognition所用的cue是不一样的。现有研究发现identity recognition是通过五官的排列、整体的表现来识别的。emotion recognition则不确定,有可能是通过“部分”,也有可能是通过“整体”来识别的。所以,用mask(遮罩)来研究emotional recognition也许是有意义的?



Kimiko Yoshida


Joan Bevelaqua

Jardins de la Fontaine, Nîmes, Ophélie, Ophelia

Thomas Dodd

Jardins de la Fontaine, Nîmes, Ophélie, Ophelia

Thomas Dodd


Jardins de la Fontaine, Nîmes, Ophélie, Ophelia

Elena Kalis


Jardins de la Fontaine, Nîmes, Ophélie, Ophelia

René Hallen et Radka Leitmeritz, série Underwater


Jardins de la Fontaine, Nîmes, Ophélie, Ophelia

Ellen Kooi


Jardins de la Fontaine, Nîmes, Ophélie, Ophelia

Toni Frissel, 1947

Jardins de la Fontaine, Nîmes, Ophélie, Ophelia

Toni Frissel, 1947


Jardins de la Fontaine, Nîmes, Ophélie, Ophelia

Alexandre Chatelard, L’homme et la femme





Jardins de la Fontaine, Nîmes, Ophélie, Ophelia

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds









Ophelia (1872), John Everett Millais
现藏Tate Britain

Alexandre Cabanel (1823-1889), Ophelia (1883) 私人收藏


Eugène Delacroix, 1798–1863; The Death of Ophelia, 1853; H: 23 cm, L: 30 cm; Oil on canvas; Sully, floor 2, room 62;R.F. 1393,现藏卢浮宫。



wiki这张现藏于慕尼黑的Neue Pinakothek。

Ophelia, Joseph Kirkpatrick, 1872-1930
Ophelia (1896), Joseph Kirkpatrick, 1872-1930


John William Waterhouse, Ophelia(1894)


John William Waterhouse, Ophelia(1889)


John William Waterhouse, Ophelia(1905)


Carlos Ewerbeck, Ophelia at the River’s Edge (1900)

Paul Albert Steck, Ophelia Drowning (1895)

Pascal Dagnan-Bouveret (1900)
Arthur Hughes, Ophelia (detail, 1853)
这里有个八卦(,是说Arthur Hughes的画作被挂在Royal Academy的时候,因为同时期的大师兄米勒的奥菲利亚太出名了,于是Arthur Hughes的画作就被挂到了一个超偏远的角落,俗称“禁闭室”。而且挂得很高,理论上,要爬梯子才能看得清。
于是这位自己画着爽、与世无争、因为很容易脸红所以被人叫做“樱桃”的cherry同学,不是,是Arthur Hughes同学,就以超高的产量成名了。
Thomas Francis Dicksee (British, 1819-1895), “Ophelia”, 1864
Gaston Bussiere (1862-1929), "Ophelie in Water"
Gaston Bussiere (1862-1929), “Ophelie in Water”
Domenico Tojetti, Ophelia (1880)
Leopold Burthe, 1851

Ernest Hébert Ophelia (c. 1910) 现藏Musée Hebert

Jules-Élie Delaunay (1828-1891)

Ophelia, Trautschold, Carl F. W. (1815-77) (attr. to) / Private Collection / Photo © Bonhams, London, UK / The Bridgeman Art Library
Selous – Mad Ophelia
John Austen (1886–1948) – Ophelia
Ophelia by F.H. Ball,1901
Kristina Nilsson som Ofelia. Handteckning af Alexandre Cabanel.jpg
其他有关Ophelia题材的Link: 含有大量插画以及戏剧哈姆雷特的插画形象