The Chinese Facial Emotion Recognition Database (CFERD): A computer-generated 3-D paradigm to measure the recognition of facial emotional expressions at different intensities

The Chinese Facial Emotion Recognition Database (CFERD): A computer-generated 3-D paradigm to measure the recognition of facial emotional expressions at different intensities.


The Chinese Facial Emotion Recognition Database (CFERD): A computer-generated 3-D paradigm to measure the recognition of facial emotional expressions at different intensities

Received 21 September 2011; received in revised form 7 February 2012; accepted 14 March 2012. published online 13 April 2012.


The Chinese Facial Emotion Recognition Database (CFERD), a computer-generated three-dimensional (3D) paradigm, was developed to measure the recognition of facial emotional expressions at different intensities. The stimuli consisted of 3D colour photographic images of six basic facial emotional expressions (happiness, sadness, disgust, fear, anger and surprise) and neutral faces of the Chinese. The purpose of the present study is to describe the development and validation of CFERD with nonclinical healthy participants (N=100; 50 men; age ranging between 18 and 50 years), and to generate normative data set. The results showed that the sensitivity index d′ [d′=Z(hit rate)–Z(false alarm rate), where function Z(p), p∈[0,1]], for all emotions was 0.94. The emotion was more readily detected in happiness, and less easily detected in surprise and sadness. In general, this study replicated the previous findings on the recognition accuracy of emotional expression with the Westerner faces. However, our paradigm extends the previous work by including a wider sensitivity range to differentiate subtle perception of emotion intensities. The CFERD will be a useful tool for emotion recognition assessment in affective neurosciences research, especially for the Chinese and cross-cultural studies.

Keywords: ChineseFacial emotion recognitionFacial emotional expressionsComputer-generatedDeveloping and standardisation,Intensity3D




今天和一位学脑子的同学讨论了一下脸部识别的问题。发现,facial identity recognition和emotion recognition所用的cue是不一样的。现有研究发现identity recognition是通过五官的排列、整体的表现来识别的。emotion recognition则不确定,有可能是通过“部分”,也有可能是通过“整体”来识别的。所以,用mask(遮罩)来研究emotional recognition也许是有意义的?


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